See How Our Team Relieves Dental Anxiety
If you’re an anxious patient, you certainly aren’t alone. Dentistry is something that a lot of people feel can be invasive because you have someone right there in your face and you have someone with hands in your mouth, and it certainly can be anxiety inducing. At our office, we offer several options. We offer conscious sedation, which is a pill you take, and you can be asleep and really don’t remember the procedure, but you can respond to commands and patients find that a great way to deal with dental anxiety. We also offer nitrous oxide, which just takes the edge off for most patients and allows them the comfort for not worrying about the actual procedure. One thing that’s really important to us is making sure that the patient has confidence in us. A lot of times anxiety comes because you either don’t understand what the procedure is or you don’t trust who’s working on you and so building that rapport and building that trust and confidence is of the utmost importance.